Sunday, October 2, 2016

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

This is the second time in my life I've been close enough to the Grand Canyon to go see it. The first time the weather decided I wasn't going to see the canyon. I wasn't going to let my second opportunity pass me by so this weekend I made a mad dash to see the Grand Canyon.

The trip is 407 miles one day.

I drove over 800 miles leaving Friday evening and making it back to Yuma Saturday evening
I made it all the way to Flagstaff, AZ Friday night after work. Saturday morning I was up with the birds to finish the trip. I entered the park early and it was super quiet with very few people there. My main objective for this trip was to stop and take photos of whatever I wanted and finally lay my eyes on the Grand Canyon. I had a great time!

The great Canyon photos happen at sunrise and sunset, but due to my time restraints, and being alone, I wasn't able to be there for these optimal photo times. I'm happy with what I managed to get in the few short hours I was in the park. If you've ever been you know that no photo can compare to seeing it with your own eyes.

This was Friday evening driving towards Phoenix. I never knew the desert could be so beautiful!

I love the random guy sitting on the rock on the right. It gives real size perspective

I loved this little trail. I wish I could've spent all day hiking.

This is just random. I thought it was cool.

The Sonoran Desert on my way back home.

Finishing my trip by driving into one of the most incredible sunsets I've ever witnessed.

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