Sunday, October 2, 2016

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

This is the second time in my life I've been close enough to the Grand Canyon to go see it. The first time the weather decided I wasn't going to see the canyon. I wasn't going to let my second opportunity pass me by so this weekend I made a mad dash to see the Grand Canyon.

The trip is 407 miles one day.

I drove over 800 miles leaving Friday evening and making it back to Yuma Saturday evening
I made it all the way to Flagstaff, AZ Friday night after work. Saturday morning I was up with the birds to finish the trip. I entered the park early and it was super quiet with very few people there. My main objective for this trip was to stop and take photos of whatever I wanted and finally lay my eyes on the Grand Canyon. I had a great time!

The great Canyon photos happen at sunrise and sunset, but due to my time restraints, and being alone, I wasn't able to be there for these optimal photo times. I'm happy with what I managed to get in the few short hours I was in the park. If you've ever been you know that no photo can compare to seeing it with your own eyes.

This was Friday evening driving towards Phoenix. I never knew the desert could be so beautiful!

I love the random guy sitting on the rock on the right. It gives real size perspective

I loved this little trail. I wish I could've spent all day hiking.

This is just random. I thought it was cool.

The Sonoran Desert on my way back home.

Finishing my trip by driving into one of the most incredible sunsets I've ever witnessed.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

2015 - A Fresh Start

A new beginning for the Mendes Family

2014 was one hell of a year. I will get to that, but I feel like I should start blogging more up-to-date as to hopefully keep this blog more current. I don't run this blog because I feel like my life is so wonderfully exciting that everyone will want to read about it. I blog because my life is beautiful. I love looking back at the posts and seeing how fast Darius has grown into an amazing young man, the many things we've conquered  and experienced as a family, and how good looking Butch and I have remained after all these years. :)
2014 was a ridiculously trying year, most definitely the hardest year of my life. I may never divulge all of the details, but lets just say I am thankful for a new year and a fresh start. Butch's mother, Rita, came to live with us in the summer of 2014. She is a wonderful addition to our family. Having Rita and Darius around for Thanksgiving and Christmas felt great.

Anyone who knows us well knows that raising Darius has been the single hardest thing we've ever done. Mostly because his mother has 100% opposing viewpoints on every aspect of raising a child. It has been an uphill struggle, but Butch and I both refused to give up; however, we had accepted the fact that Darius was going to spend the rest of his childhood with his mother in Florida and we would continue to see him as frequently as possible and try to be positive roll models from across the country.

Darius surprised us all during Thanksgiving break 2014 when he told us he wanted to move to WA to live with us full time.

Thanksgiving 2014 spent with great friends in Vancouver, WA
Darius quickly integrating to the Pacific NW lifestyle playing soccer in the rain 
In December I started a new job with Kidder Mathews, a corporate real estate company in Portland. I adore this new job and love the people I work with.

Our front office at Kidder Mathews

Christmas was a struggle for me this year. I just couldn't get into the spirit. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, but this year just seemed like a mess. Again, 2014 was a tough year. Having Rita and Darius with us for Christmas definitely made a tough time seem more enjoyable.

My beautiful mother-in-law, Rita and I at her company Christmas party

We also received some really thoughtful gifts that made us smile. This is a handmade basket from friends we received this year for Christmas.
Darius arrived for Christmas. WOOHOO!
Much to our surprise Darius asked for a float as one of his  Christmas gifts.

We had a good time. It was a cool experience for him.

This is the float tank for those of you who aren't familiar with "floating."

Here is a informational link about the benefits of floating. Benefits of Floating Darius has a great time, but I don't think it's something he'll be doing regularly. He really just wanted to see what it's all about.

As I said before, Darius had already voiced his opinion about not wanting to live in Florida anymore. When it came time to return to Florida he straight refused to leave. He was headed down the wrong path in Florida and thankfully he decided for himself that he wants more out of life. He also wants the chance to know his father. What boy doesn't need his father? Darius really looks up to his dad and enjoys hanging out with him. We are all so excited Darius is full time with us now. He's truly flourishing since enrolling him in school and soccer. It took about .25 hours from him to adjust to his new school. He's a pretty awesome kid.

My boys, my loves, my heart.

Darius is a beast. We're so proud of him. He is working hard to develop his soccer skills.

Darius and I working on endurance for soccer. I love this kid so much.
Looking fly driving with G-ma's sunglasses. haha!
We recently attempted to go hiking as a family. The view from the top of the trail is suppose to be amazing. Unfortunately, we still don't know what the view from the top looks like. We are obviously not avid hikers because we didn't wear boots for the hike and ended up slipping and sliding all over the mountain. Areas of this particular trail lead to certain death should you fall off the trail so we opted for a family lunch instead. haha. We still had a great day together and plan to tackle this hike again in the future.

2015 is already looking up. I know 2015 is going to be a great year for our family. Maybe I should rename this post to "All things Darius."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring is finally here!

Today was absolutely beautiful in Vancouver, WA. Spring has finally decided to show it's face. It was 75, clear and sunny so we took advantage of the weather together.

Gotta love Instagram!

My handsome hiker.

Serenity now. Ha!

I love this photo because you can see me in the reflection of his glasses taking the photo. :)

Playing with the hubbers new camera.

WA State is so pretty. You can find 50 parks like this all within a reasonable driving distance.


Just hanging out and enjoying the view.
Even the little poopers wanted to be outside all day!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Not your average anniversary

 8 Years!

Yesterday Butch and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary together. WOOHOOO! 

I was reminded yesterday of just how different we are from most other couples. We were lucky enough to spend our entire anniversary day together. However, we didn't spend the day being romantic. We spent the day standing together in the 45 degree weather while the rain poured down on us for 9 straight hours as we dug through the mud.

We spend quite a bit of money on water proof work gear as we try to be prepared to work outside in Washington wet weather. Yesterday our rain gear was put to the test and it FAILED. By the end of the day both of my rain coats had failed, all of Butch's gloves were useless and his pants were leaking through to some extent. This might help you grasp the amount of rain we endured all day. When in your life have you ever stood in the rain long enough to have not one, but two, high tech Cabela's rain coats stop working? Most likely the answer is never.

We rescued a snake together during the work day. This little guy was really, really cold. I'm not quite sure why he was moving about. We put him back in a small hole and covered him up. About an hour later we saw him trying to move around again. This time we made him a home. Butch took the shovel, dug a larger hole, made room for the snake so the dirt wouldn't squish him and we placed the little guy inside and we never saw him again. After the operation was finished I realized what a unique life we live together. It occurred to me just how strange our life together really is.

I'm going to go out on a limb when I say most couples don't work side by side together for 10 hours a day standing outside in the freezing rain, rescuing snakes and looking for bombs. Well, here's to us babe. I love you more than the everything and I love our perfectly different life together. Happy 8 Years love!

I look a like I've put on 30 pounds in this photo! That's because I was wearing an XL rain coat to get through the rest of the day. My rain coats were useless. My team leader took this photo and was sure to include the port-a-potty in the background, a landmark of all UXO work sites. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

UFC Event for the Hubs

Seattle, WA

A dream come true for the hubbers. Literally... he has always wanted to see a UFC event live. When my friends at Gracie Barra Bellevue gave me the chance to be a part of the box seat I jumped on the opportunity. 

Butch and I took full advantage of the week-end and partied like rock stars the night before the event. Seriously, we must have been out until at least midnight. HAHA. We are so old but we did have a great time together. It was like old times. We had some drinks, some good food and a fantastic time being together.

Let's PARTAY! We hadn't done this in a long time so it was great getting out and acting crazy.

Looking all fly for my night on the town.

My best friend, my life, my love, my everything... Horrible pic but he's still handsome!
BAYUM!!! It's real, we are really about to witness this LIVE. We were so pumped.
He was like a kid; so excited! I could barely keep up with him when we were walking to out seats!
Our big balla' box seats. :)

Getting ready for the pre-fights. You can see the happiness in his eyes!

PACKED HOUSE. Let the fun begin!
After 7 long hours of fights we were finally on our way back to the hotel room. This is our self portrait on the way back to our room. Not the greatest photos but whateva!

I love our life together and I feel really lucky that we're able to go do things like this together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas 2012

Bel Air, MD  / Cape Cod, MA

We again shipped our little poopers off to Doggie Daycare and headed for the East. This time, it was the North East. Butch and I had not been to Maryland since 2010 and Darius had not visited his grandparents in MA since 2007. As we boarded our plane the cutest thing happened to us. The lady in front of us handed us this little baggy...

How cute is this? This really made me smile! The baby was one of the most beautiful children I've ever seen and she did great!
We arrived in Baltimore in the afternoon and Darius arrived that night at midnight. As we drove back home from the airport Darius asks us, "Does this bring back memories?" To which I answered, "Of Course!" We use to drive that same drive every other week-end to pick up Darius when we all lived in the North East. It felt pretty cool for all of us to be back in our old territory. 

Darius, Butch and I all stayed with Butch's father and stepmother. I must say, the accommodations were fantastic. It was a pretty low-key few days leading into Christmas. We visited, we ate and we slept in. It was just what the doctor ordered.

Butch's father. I'm sure you can see the resemblance.

Hanging out with the family. This is cousin Josh.

The clan, doing what they do. :)
I don't really have any fantastic stories about this visit. We were just thankful to be with family and friends. We did a lot of nothing. On Christmas day I never left the house. 

We took time to visit Butch's bulldog, Sadie. Butch raised Sadie as a puppy and had to leave her behind when circumstances no longer allowed him to travel with Sadie. Butch's brother, Jason is now the proud owner of this amazing dog. Butch really loves her more than I can even explain. She's an amazing animal with a special place in our hearts. 

The day after Christmas we traveled to Cape Cod, MA to visit the rest of the Mendes family. Darius' cousin, Alana, went with us. I expected the two of them to being talking, acting silly and making annoying noises in the car. Instead, this is what we got...

The 1st 20 minutes of the road trip looked like this.

And the next 5 hours looked like this... HA! Teenagers sleep, A LOT!
If you don't think this is hilarious then you just aren't a funny person. HAHA... Kidding but for real, I'm not. Butch and I started this thing where we give a goofy name when they ask for your name at Starbucks. It's hilarious. We entertain ourselves often. :) 

We finally arrived, safe and sound at the Mendes Bed & Breakfast. Staying at Lenny & Lois' is a treat. They really go out of their way to make us comfortable and there is never a shortage of fantastic food. Some things never change either. Within 7 minutes of entering the house G-ma Lois was giving me the third degree about having her some grandkids. Hilarious! I really love all my extended family. It was great to have so much time to visit.

These are on the bedroom doors upstairs. This is why I call it the Mendes B&B.
This is awesome. The last time they were in Cape Cod together and this year. Wow, they've grown so much.

And BAM... This blog post ends abruptly. I totally forgot I never published this post so I randomly posted it and it's somewhat unfinished. That's how I roll.